Family Law
Family Law
Divorce is difficult and the path forward uncertain. It can adversely affect your relationship with your children and family, create financial uncertainty, result in the loss of a much-loved home, and leave you wondering where and how you will live. You may be confronted with several legal issues, including the amount and duration of alimony; custody, visitation, and support of children; and the division of all community assets including real estate, personal property, savings, retirement funds and more. It is a difficult road, and you do not want to travel it alone.
Engrained deep within my soul is my desire for everyone to be okay. Often, though, people experience times when they are not okay. Grief is grief, no matter its source. People suffering through a dread diagnosis deserve our compassion and empathy; people suffering because of the demise of an important relationship deserve our compassion and empathy, too.
We collaborate with opposing counsel and seek innovative ways to resolve seemingly irresolvable issues. We conduct ourselves with a good measure of dignity & grace, no matter how difficult the circumstances, and we expect everyone involved to do the same. Our goal in family law is to guide people through a dark passage to a better place where they can, again, be okay. It is a tough road, but we will be with you every step of the way.