In this podcast, Mesothelioma Lawyer Ron Shingler tells us how he helps victims of mesothelioma and asbestosis. How do people get mesothelioma and asbestosis? What are the odds of contracting these diseases? Ron explains.
People believed to be in the high risk category for getting mesothelioma are those who were exposed to asbestos on a regular basis (six months or more) while on the job. Among the list of occupations closely linked to mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases are:
Military Veterans (especially the U.S. Navy)
Construction Workers
Demolition or Renovation Crews
Auto Mechanics
Motorcycle Mechanics
Vehicle Mechanics
DIY Mechanics
Shipyard Workers
Asbestos Mine Workers or Millers
Boiler Workers
Asbestos Manufacturing Plant Workers
Food Processing Plants
Telecommunication Industry
Power Plants
Paper Mills
Heat Transferring Manufactures
Commercial and Residential New Construction during 1940s and 1970s
Public Schools and Universities
People who remember handling asbestos or asbestos-like materials, or those who recall being exposed to thick clouds of asbestos-containing dust while on the job, are at a higher risk for developing mesothelioma. Recently, rescue workers and cleanup crews involved in the removal of debris from the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks in New York City have reported asbestos-related symptoms and lung complications. [The Mesothelioma Center]