Justice In America - The Truths & Myths of Tort Reform Featuring Ron Shingler, Shingler Law Firm
Insider Exclusive - Robert Grimes' Story
Insider Exclusive - Justice in America
People believed to be in the high risk category for getting mesothelioma are those who were exposed to asbestos on a regular basis (six months or more) while on the job. Among the list of occupations closely linked to mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases are:
- Military Veterans (especially the U.S. Navy)
- Construction Workers
- Demolition or Renovation Crews
- Auto Mechanics
- Insulators
- Shipyard Workers
- Asbestos Mine Workers or Millers
- Boiler Workers
- Asbestos Manufacturing Plant Workers
- Food Processing Plants
- Telecommunication Industry
- Refineries
- Power Plants
- Paper Mills
- Foundries
- Heat Transferring Manufactures
- Commercial and Residential New Construction during 1940s and 1970s
- Public Schools and Universities
- Vehicle Mechanics
People who remember handling asbestos or asbestos-like materials, or those who recall being exposed to thick clouds of asbestos-containing dust while on the job, are at a higher risk for developing mesothelioma. Recently, rescue workers and cleanup crews involved in the removal of debris from the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks in New York City have reported asbestos-related symptoms and lung complications. [The Mesothelioma Center]