A Letter to the Editor of the East Bay Times

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, dining at restaurants is prohibited by law.  This is the right approach in terms of public health, but is devastating to restaurant owners.  City managers, therefore, should take whatever actions are necessary to impose city-wide moratoriums on evictions of restaurant owners.  Restaurants, for which this region is well known, are shuttered and desperately trying to stay in business by selling take-out meals.  How many restaurants will we lose because of the pandemic?  How many restaurateurs, who already live in fear of the COVID-19 virus, will be confronted with an unnecessary and unfair eviction? 

            Concord has imposed a moratorium on residential and commercial evictions related to the pandemic, and other cities throughout the region should do the same.  Even the best restaurants struggle to survive in the best of times.  These are not the best of times.  A moratorium will give them a fighting chance.

            Ronald J. Shingler

            Walnut Creek

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