COVID-19 Moratorium on Evictions

-A message to the City Manager of Walnut Creek-

Mr. Daniel Buckshi

City Manager

Walnut Creek City Hall

1666 North Main Street

Walnut Creek, CA 94596

            Re:       COVID-19 Moratorium on Evictions

Dear Mr. Buckshi:

            Please take action to impose a city-wide moratorium on residential and commercial evictions for the duration of Governor Newsome’s shelter-in-place order.  Residents will lose their homes because the pandemic has forced them from their work, and they won’t be able to pay their rent.  Restaurants, for which this city is well known, are shuttered and are desperately trying to stay in business by selling take out meals.  How many restaurants will Walnut Creek lose because of the pandemic?  How many people who live paycheck to paycheck will be evicted from their homes?  How many families, who already live in fear of the COVID-19, will be disrupted by an unnecessary and, frankly, unfair eviction? 

            Our neighbors have already taken action.  Benicia imposed a moratorium on residential evictions, which is good, but it does not go far enough.  Concord went the distance and imposed a moratorium on both residential and commercial evictions related to the pandemic.  Walnut Creek should be a leader in this arena, not a follower.  We should be setting the standard to which other cities aspire.  Walnut Creek is the cultural hub of the county.  City planners in the 1950s provided the road map for the city we enjoy this day.  Theaters, restaurants, shopping, scenic views, lovely homes, and architecture set this city apart.  As an aside, I particularly like the Apple Store.  The building is an architectural delight, and the small park adjoining the building is lovely.

            Did I mention the restaurants?  There won’t be any restaurants if the city does not act to protect them from being evicted.  Is this not obvious?  Even the best restaurants struggle to survive in the best of times.  These are not the best of times.  Please take action to protect these small business owners.

            I write to you as a concerned citizen who feels compassion for those who have lost their jobs and may lose their homes because of this worldwide pandemic.  We cannot save the world, right?  Maybe, but we certainly can put a moratorium in place that will give people a fighting chance to keep their homes and save their businesses.

            Please do whatever you can do.

Very truly yours,

Ronald Shingler




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